Monday, December 22, 2014

My appearance in the Wiccan community


Good morning guys! So I told you in my little bio post that I'm a Wiccan. I've been practicing for a couple years but just recently got about as serious as I can get. I'm slowly branching out in to the community and I'm reaching out in Instagram to fellow believers. It's been an utterly enchanting experience! That's the best adjective I can give. Now, I am in no ways trying to beat my faith in to anyone. I just thought I'd share a bit of who I am with you guys and answer any questions you have. DMing me on Instagram @taylortragedy is prob the best way to reach me. 

For first things first, I practice a branch that focuses a lot on personal development. I'm trying to  be the best me I can be. I have a list of 13 goals, like eating properly and getting exercise. I have a few goddess I call upon to help me throughout my day, which focus on the Greek pantheon and the Celtic. My patron (the one who guides me the most) is Hecate, the Greek goddess of moons, witchcraft, and crossroads. (I'll include a link to her down below as well as some cool instagrams to check out). She protects from murder, theft, and the pain of childbirth. Now really, who wouldn't want to be protected from those? She came to me while I was casting my circle and calling for the goddess I believe in the most to come. 

Next, circles.  A lot of people like to detail out their rituals and have complicated alters. I have some candles I keep in my closet. I practice in a household where my roommates are Catholic. They haven't said anything but I just kinda keep my stuff out of their way. I haven't figured out my whole "I'm a witch" speech yet. Anywhoosies, my circle consists of a while candle, a blue candle, a red candle, and a gold candle, each representing an element. I anoint them with my homemade cinnamon oil before lighting them. When I have salt I can use, I'll pour a ring around the candles. Once that's done, I call on the mother goddess or Mother Nature to some. Then I start whatever I'm doing that night, even if it's just venting. 

When I remember, I say my morning and night blessings. So far, I've done some communication spells, a good luck one for work, and some divination for a friend. They've worked out in my favour, but I take what I do as 50% me putting out these good vibes and prayers and 50% fate. But like my bae Merida, I do have wishes to change my fate, and I've tried stuff I don't really want to talk about because it's just so embarrassing. I had to learn the hard way that whatever you put out in the universe with triple and come back to you. 

My favourite magic is kitchen magic. I love to cook, just not doing the dishes. I usually get Dylan to do those. But I try to keep my kitchen clean and well stocked. I grind a lot of my own herbs and make my own oils. I make my own bread when I can. And I less everything I cook and give thanks to the goddess and Hecate and Hestia, the goddess of the hearth. I'll probably edit this later on but I do hope that I can make this a conversation with my followers. You guys know how much I love you. 

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